U.S. Part:13 Lapis Lazuli

Stone Name: Lapis Lazuli

Birthstone Month/Zodiac Association: 

The traditional birthstone of December (Note that the official birthstone list adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912 denotes Turquoise and blue Topaz as the official birthstones.) It is also the Planetary stone for Capricorn and the birthstone for Libra.

Affected Chakra: 

The Third Eye Chakra

History of Use:

This precious stone is widely renowned for considerably deep and intense color, a radiant blue coloration that’s made it famous for hundreds of years.  Lapis is considered a rock, not a mineral because it contains mostly lazurite, calcite, sodalite and pyrite (fool's gold).  Lapis is considered one of the most valuable semi-opaque stones.  Traditionally, lapis may be given as a gem on the 7th and 9th wedding anniversary.
It’s been a common discovery at various burial sights in northern Afghanistan, the Caucasus, Mehrgarth, and even Egypt; one of its more prominent uses was actually on the eyebrows of King Tutankhamun’s burial mask. The Egyptians open carved it into vases and figurines.  Eventually it was transported to Europe and made into gunpowder at the end of Middle Ages; occasionally it was also transformed into ultramarine, something renowned as the most valuable out of all blue pigments.  The top quality lapis lazuli comes from Afghanistan where it has been mined for over 6000 years, but lapis is also found in Siberia, Chile, the U.S., Pakistan, and Canada.

Spiritual Properties:

Lapis Lazuli has been recognized for its ability to create a much more powerful sense of self-awareness, and with it, a heightened ability to connect with others. For those who have been weighted down by inner pain and stress, Lapis Lazuli can awaken the kind of understanding within needed to more fully analyze and defeat repressed anger. Communication, awareness and balance are enhanced due to how Lapis Lazuli energizes the Third Eye and Throat Chakra.

Physical Healing Properties: 

In addition to the spiritual enhancements, Lapis Lazuli is also highly effective in promoting the strength of the vocal cords and larynx. If you suffer from a weak center of gravity or high blood pressure, Lapis Lazuli can both improve your circulation and vastly improve your cardiac rhythm as well. Women who are suffering through menstrual pain may also be delighted to find that this stone is highly helpful for lessening the tension of cramps.

Up Next: Labradorite

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