Understanding Stones Part:7 Red Coral

Images in collage taken from Pinterest.com
Stone Name 
Red Coral

Birthstone Month 

Zodiac Association 

Affected Chakra
Root Chakra

History of Use:  Throughout history, coral had been thought to be a plant and has been called the 'garden of the sea'.  Coral is actually the accumulated skeletal remains of marine animals called polyps.  These tiny creatures live in colonies that grow to form branching structures.  Coral has been used in decorative art objects and jewelry dating back thousands of years.  Legends have been interpreted that ancient peoples once believed Mars was composed of red coral due to its striations and color. According to Greek mythology, when Perseus chopped off the head of Medusa, some drops of her blood splashed into the sea and solidified into coral.  Coral is considered by the Hopi and Zuni Indians to be one of the four element stones (the others being jet, abalone and turquoise), a symbol of the Road of Life (a journey through all seven universes created at the Beginning).  Coral has played an important role in the religious rites of many cultures throughout the Pacific Islands.  Often placed on graves to guard the deceased, and temples were often built of lava rocks and coral.

Spiritual Properties: Coral is said to quiet the emotions and bring peace to its wearer.  Worn publicly as an amulet, coral is thought to bring safe travel over water.  Because of coral's organic origin, it can be used to reconnect with nature and assist to unveil its wonders.  Coral symbolizes joy, happiness, blood force energy and enables it wearer to enjoy a natural life.  Dreams about coral are believed to foretell recovery from a long illness. 

Physical Healing Properties: Red coral will protect against depression, despondency, hiccups and heartburn.  It helps strengthen the circulatory system and bones of the body.  It stimulates tissue regeneration, nourishes the blood cells, and aids in the release of impurities from the muscular system.

My experience:  Often called "rainforests of the sea," coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth.  Coral is a precious resource and is home for 25% of all marine species, including fish, sponges, mollusks, crustaceans, etc.  However, coral reefs are fragile and are under threat from climate change, oceanic acidification, blast fishing, cyanide fishing for aquarium fish, overuse of reef resources, and harmful land-use practices, including urban and agricultural runoff and water pollution which can harm reefs by encouraging excess algal growth.  It is imperative to save this precious resource and only reuse what has already been taken instead of encouraging coral farming.

Up Next: Hematite

Understanding Stones Part:6 Crystal Quartz

I've been putting off writing this post for two weeks now.  I can't quite put my finger on why, but I just feel this stone has so much to tell  ..., I suppose it was intimidating.  Such a perfect and powerful stone leaves a lot to be described, explained and pondered.  Please believe me when I say this post is only a fraction of the history and possibilities of the stone crystal quartz.

Images from collage above taken from Pinterest.com
Stone Name 
Crystal Quartz, "The Universal Crystal"

Birthstone Month 

Zodiac Association 

Affected Chakra: Crown

History of Use:   The word "quartz" is derived from the German word "Quarz".  Quartz is the second most abundant mineral on the earth. Quartz is an essential constituent of granite and is found in sandstone and shale.  Major quartz varieties include agate, jasper, amethyst and carnelian.  Clear Crystal Quartz has forever carried a place of importance in spiritual and religious beliefs.  The Japanese call it tama, "the perfect jewel."  In Buddhism, it is one of the seven precious substances.  Tibetan Buddhists use clear quartz on their alter to symbolize the perfect Buddha nature - a visible nothingness.  Indigenous cultures in North America and Burma believed Crystal Quartz to be living entities - taking a breath every hundred years or so.  Nearly every culture has used quartz for healing.  In Rome and medieval England it was used for cases of dysentery, glandular swelling, pain and fevers.  Also, ladies of luxury carried crystal balls in the hands for cooling during summer weather. In the Scottish Highlands, a crystal set in silver and worn around the neck was considered effective for diseases of the kidneys.  It has been carved for vases, cups and ornaments, placed in tombs and scepters of royalty, valued as amulets and catalysts for healing.  "Sir Isaac Newton discovered the color spectrum by refracting sunlight through a natural crystal.  Reflecting the rainbow on his wall allowed him to measure the different lengths of the rays of the visible light spectrum." - Dorothee L. Mella, Stone Power II

Spiritual Properties:  Crystal quartz (sometimes known as "Rock Crystal" has a similar vibration as humans and helps us understand our spiritual lives.  Because it radiates all the color vibrations within the spectrum of light, it can be used for a variety of purposes.  Crystal Quartz produces a force field of negative ions while clearing the surroundings of positive ions, protecting the aura.  It is most often used in healing to amplify the energies of other healing stones, but can draw in energy as well.  During meditation, a crystal ball or crystal point can be used to connect with higher consciousness.  Quartz can be clear or cloudy, but this doesn't affect it's energetic qualities.  This important stone enhances energy by absorbing, storing, balancing, amplifying, focusing and transmitting energy.  Quartz will protect one's spirit during growth of emotional processes.  There are times that crystal quartz does not work for negative-minded people.  If this is the case, use crystal quartz to amplify the energy of healing stones that promote peace and positivity.  "To benefit from Rock Crystal's blessings, one must feel in harmony with it and deserve its gifts.  Intent other than for good inevitably brings harm back on oneself" -Florence Megemont, The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals

Physical Healing Properties:  Stimulates the immune and circulatory systems.  It has been used to treat migraines, vertigo and motion sickness.

Up Next: Red Coral

Celebration Week

This week is just full of celebration!  Tuesday was founder Ashley's beautiful little sister Shana's birthday.
Shana and her adorable daughter

Wednesday was Sailor's Omen's one year anniversary!  We painted our nails gold and spent the day with Nicole from Admyar Photography drinking wine and working on our latest lookbook collaboration.

One of our first pieces!

And then we got the first update from Saint Augustine fashion blogger Meaghan Mulligan ....ahem, we mean Meaghan ALVARADO! about her (somewhat) last minute intimate destination wedding in Jamaica.  Read about it in her blog post here!

To continue the celebration, we're having a FLASH SALE of 20% OFF!  Go to Sailor's Omen eBoutique and use promo code FLASHSALE at checkout.

Understanding Stones Part:5 Citrine

Images from collage above taken from Pinterest.com
Stone Name 
Citrine, the "Merchant Stone"

Birthstone Month 

Zodiac Association 

Affected Chakra: Solar Plexus

History of Use: The name Citrine comes from the French word "citron" meaning lemon.  The color of citrine stones are a yellow-to-golden brown variety of the quartz mineral. The darker quality citrine is sometimes called Madeira, after the color of the wine.  Gem quality citrine is extremely rare.  Most of the citrine on the market today is actually heat treated amethyst or smokey quartz.  This transformation can occur naturally in the ground or synthetically in a lab.  Because of this, it is best to keep your citrine out of prolonged exposure to sunlight to avoid further change in the crystal.

Spiritual Properties: Citrine is useful in meditation to open the doors to inner thought and promote the transition into a meditative state.  Dark yellow/orange citrine brings commitment and devotion to a lifetime of love to the surface.  Bold yellow citrine brings prosperity, enthusiasm, and happiness.  Light gold citrine provide cheerfulness and contentment.  Citrine helps to protect sensitive and vulnerable people by guarding their aura from negative energy.

Physical Healing Properties: Citrine enhances energy and stamina and encourages metabolism.  It also aids in short term memory loss.

Up Next: Crystal Quartz