Personal Health Day

I've been working A LOT lately.  I have a full-time job, a part-time job, AND I manage/create everything except for lookbook/collab photos for Sailor's Omen.  That said, I only have one dedicated day off my "real-world" jobs.  This day is usually dedicated to catching up on everything Sailor's Omen.  If I get one night of bad sleep, I'm paying for it for the rest of the month.  Yesterday, I woke up in a poor mood.  I haven't been eating well, I was feeling at lot of stress because I am behind on pretty much everything in my life, and I was blatantly suffering.  It was affecting everything in my world, from my relationship with my partner Alex to all three of my jobs. 

However, yesterday.  I woke up at 8:30am, which normally never happens.  I'm a creature of habit and usually I'm up an about by 6am and working on something but I was so exhausted from the past couple weeks!  I'm glad my body listened to my needs this time.  Alex suggested we go for a hike.  I had driven past Guana Preserve many times and always wanted to stop and explore.  We decided today was that day!  It couldn't have been more perfect and wow, what a reboot!  

The following is my weekend (aka Sunday) in photos:

Hiking one of the trails at Guana Preserve
Love this place!
Native grasses
Impressive Orb Spider (incredibly friendly/not harmful)
Close-up of this gentle giant
Next we went to the beach and waited for some of our friends to arrive
My handsome partner Alex....on a log.
What a perfect day!


  1. I hope you're feeling better! I still haven't hiked Guana yet either, must do that.
    Is it shoot worthy? ;)

    1. Yes! Definitely! It is a very beautiful place and I'm excited to explore more. We only went on one trail that is about 1.7 miles long. Very easy trails but you have to be careful of bugs and reptiles for sure. Next time I'm bringing my real camera instead of just my iPhone! Let me know if you'd like to come with ;)
