Follow us on Bloglovin'

Hello! Just to let you guys know, Google Reader is no more. You can follow us on Bloglovin HERE!

But what is Bloglovin' you ask? Bloglovin' is an easy tool to follow all your favorite blogs.

Here is an excerpt from Living

1. It’s easy to follow blogs through bloglovin’. For blogs that have a bloglovin’ button, you just have to click the button and then click “Follow.” You can search for any blogs within the bloglovin’ site and follow them even if they don’t have a bloglovin’ button.

2. You can move all your blogs on Google Reader to bloglovin’. It’s amazingly simple. I just followed the directions on bloglovin’ when I signed up. They were clear and easy to follow. Be sure to check that you follow us and your other favorite blogs when you do move your blogs.

3. You can organize all the blogs you follow into categories. I need to do more with this, but I plan to do it in the future.

4. You can discover new blogs easily within bloglovin’. I love this feature! I set my emails to notify me whenever someone follows my blog. Then I can follow them if I wish as well as check who they follow and find new blogs to follow. There are also “top blogs”in different categories and “popular posts” features at bloglovin’ that enable you to discover new blogs as well. When you follow a blog, there’s even a “Similar Blogs” tab, which is really fun and helpful.

5. Bloglovin’ is faster than Google Reader. I had actually stopped using my Google Reader because it simply took too long to scroll through entire posts. With bloglovin’, I typically see the title, short excerpt, and an image. I can easily tell if I want to click on the post to read more.

6. You can get an email with the updates from the blogs you follow on bloglovin’. I’m overwhelmed with emails, but I still really appreciate this. It’s so easy for me to scroll down through the blogs I follow to see the latest updates. I try to keep on top of the latest activities and posts in my niche, and this is the easiest way I’ve found to do it. (I still use my Parent/Teacher Twitter paper, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Sulia as my top ways to keep up with and share the latest posts as well. I do share on Google+, although not as often.) It’s totally impossible to keep up with everything, of course, but I want to be as knowledgeable as I can. Even though this is my dream job (except for the pay), it is my job … and I like to be as informed and competent as possible.

7. You can get a free app to follow bloglovin’ on mobile devices such as your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad: Free Bloglovin’ App.

8. Blogs get pageviews when you read their posts through bloglovin’. That isn’t the case with Google Reader. Many bloggers are trying to help support their families through their blogging. We tend to put in way more hours than we’re actually “paid” for, but pageviews really help us. You can also “like” posts on bloglovin’. It’s always nice to get “likes” for encouragement and to see which posts are especially popular. If a post gets enough “likes,” it could be seen in the “popular posts” feature on bloglovin’, which helps even more.

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