Made of Stars

Right out of the gate, I want to thank The Bohemian Collective for including my antler wall hanging in their latest mini lookbook!  The title of the lookbook is Earth Medicine and features many amazing artists including Gypsies Caravan, Little Wing Apparel, Wild Ivy, Run With The Tribe, and of course, Sailor's Omen.
photo taken from the Earth Medicine lkbk by The Bohemian Collective

I have also had items featured in these etsy treasuries:

In some of my item descriptions in my store (although it should be mentioned for all my items involving stones), I mention that the stone is hand-picked.  This means that I look through dozens of stones before picking the ones that speak the best to me, have the strongest energy or the most positive energy.  I can be very picky.  It is a very intuitive process that continues to grow and shape me and my craft.  

The intense inclination to be in the presence natural stones began at very young age.  My family and I would go each year to the Bloomsburg Fair since I can remember.  We would do the usual... ride the rides, pet miniature ponies, eat funnel cake but my favorite activity of the whole day would be a "game" called Prospector's Mine.  Five dollars would buy you a 1/2 gallon silver bucket filled with sand.  They gave each little prospector a fine mesh sifter and have them go to a small stream, slowly pour the contents of the bucket into the sifter and wash the sand away. Every couple seconds or so a small polished rock would emerge.  Mostly colorful jasper and agate.  Every once in a while you would uncover a small vile of gold flakes.  Apparently that was the goal- to find the gold flakes.  But I wouldn't have it.  The rocks were better than gold in my eyes.  I would beg my parents for one more bucket so I could uncover more treasures.  Each year I carried my new treasures home with me and add them to my collection- my favorite gemstone achieving a longstanding place in my pants pocket.

As I grew older, graduated college and moved out on my own, I got a job working with a bead wholesaler in the Pacific Northwest.  I even got to travel to Arizona for the massive annual Tuscan Gem Show.  It was paradise.  During my time working, organizing, handling and selling beads, I learned about each stone.  My boss Dennis was a fountain of information regarding the formation of the stones and their energy properties.  

In my (very) late 20's, I continue to learn about the healing benefits of stones and crystals, routinely using them to assist in daily meditation and improving my mental and spiritual state throughout the day.  I wear them in necklaces and earrings, rings and bracelets, and still sometimes carry them around in my pocket and double as worry stones at times.  I find I am most attracted to dark purple amethyst, blue celestite clusters and clear quartz crystals, but am most intensely drawn to heavily tourmalinated prehnite.  The tourmalinated prehnite has always reminded me of seaweed.  :)

I recently was asked how I make the Clarity necklace, so I made a little written tutorial on how to DIY;

1) Pick a crystal  
2) Measure the circumference of the crystal
3) Cut leather or any chording of your choice to a little longer than the circumference (we'll call this piece A)
4) Cut another piece of leather (or chord) 1/2 the width and 3x length (we'll call this piece B)
5) Measure the desired length of the chord that wraps around the neck
6) Cut the leather (or chord) to the desired length and width (we'll call these pieces C & D)
7) Glue (I use the most eco-friendly leather glue) and tie pieces C & D to piece A
8) Glue piece A around the crystal, making sure to overlap at the end (adds extra stability)
9) Wrap piece B in an X pattern around the crystal
10) Glue and tie a square knot in piece B
11) Cut off any excess leather from piece B
The result: 
photo shows the Clarity Necklace, paired with our Pendulum necklace with diopside stone and Dakini earrings  

)o(  photo by Ashley Steeby  )o(  styling by Amanda Hopcraft of Mon Petite Chou Spa & Salon  )o( 
)o(  modeling by Morgan Malone  )o(

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