Understanding Stones Part:8 Hematite

Stone Name
Hematite, "Stone of the Mind"

Birthstone Month

Zodiac Association

Affected Chakra
Root Chakra

History of Use: The name Hematite comes from the Greek word for blood.  Because of the high iron oxide content in hematite, it can not only be a silver-gunmetal-colored stone but a red stone as well.  Native American folklore states that war paint made from hematite will make one invincible in battle.  Hematite's popularity in jewelry was at its highest in Europe during the Victorian era.  People in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries wore hematite jewelry during mourning.  Scientists of the Mars Exploration Rover Project believe that deposits of hematite on Mars may help prove whether large amounts of liquid water ever flowed on Mars' surface.  Magnetic hematite jewelry is popular but is actually a synthetic material called Hematine.  Although it is claimed to be made from ground hematite mixed with resin, analysis has demonstrated it to be an entirely artificial compound.

Spiritual Properties: Hematite dissolves negativity and prevents others' negativity from being absorbed.  It focuses a high quality grounding energy and subdues erratic emotions to create a balance between the mind, body and spirit.  It strengthens our connection with the earth, helping us feel safe and secure in our environment.  The hematite stone also stimulates concentration and focus, enhances memory and independent thought.  It can help overcome compulsions, overindulgence, and improve relationships.  

Physical Healing Properties: 
+ Restores, strengthens and regulates blood supply
+ Supports kidneys and regenerates tissue.
+ Stimulates the absorption of iron in the small intestine, which in turn improves oxygen supply to the body.
+ Helps the formation of red blood cells.
+ Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia.  

My experience:  To be honest, I've never been attracted to hematite - at least the larger stones.  I can handle smaller stones (much smaller... think half-pea size), but anything bigger tends to overload me.  I tend to feel more susceptible to gravity and have a hard time breathing.

Up Next: Howlite

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