Personal Health Day

I've been working A LOT lately.  I have a full-time job, a part-time job, AND I manage/create everything except for lookbook/collab photos for Sailor's Omen.  That said, I only have one dedicated day off my "real-world" jobs.  This day is usually dedicated to catching up on everything Sailor's Omen.  If I get one night of bad sleep, I'm paying for it for the rest of the month.  Yesterday, I woke up in a poor mood.  I haven't been eating well, I was feeling at lot of stress because I am behind on pretty much everything in my life, and I was blatantly suffering.  It was affecting everything in my world, from my relationship with my partner Alex to all three of my jobs. 

However, yesterday.  I woke up at 8:30am, which normally never happens.  I'm a creature of habit and usually I'm up an about by 6am and working on something but I was so exhausted from the past couple weeks!  I'm glad my body listened to my needs this time.  Alex suggested we go for a hike.  I had driven past Guana Preserve many times and always wanted to stop and explore.  We decided today was that day!  It couldn't have been more perfect and wow, what a reboot!  

The following is my weekend (aka Sunday) in photos:

Hiking one of the trails at Guana Preserve
Love this place!
Native grasses
Impressive Orb Spider (incredibly friendly/not harmful)
Close-up of this gentle giant
Next we went to the beach and waited for some of our friends to arrive
My handsome partner Alex....on a log.
What a perfect day!

U.S. Part: 14 Labradorite

Stone Name: 

The Power Stone

Connect to your subconscious.  Repel negative energy.  Stimulate your imagination 

Birthstone Month:  
No traditional birthstone association.

Zodiac Association: 
No traditional zodiac association.  

Affected Chakra: Crown Chakra

History of Use: 
The name "Labradorite" is derived from the Labrador Peninsula in Canada where it first was discovered.  Also known as Spectrolite, Labradorite is a hard crystalline mineral widely used for centuries for ornamental art, jewelry, and carvings and is considered a precious gemstone. 

Ancient Chinese culture observe phenomenal gemstones on Saturdays.  Phenomenal gemstones have what are considered optical phenomena.  Labradorite has labradorescence - a highly directional iridescence caused by twinning crystals.

Native Inuit tribes of North America are abundant with lore of the creation of labradorite.  Some legends speak of fire from ancestors amongst Aurora Borealis falling down from the sky.  Some say an Eskimo warrior went wandering and found the Northern Lights trapped in some rocks.  When the Eskimo warrior struck the stone with his spear, he released most of the lights, but some stay trapped within the feldspar.  

Physical Healing Properties: 
Labradorite can help strengthen the immune system by removing negative energy.  It also helps to remove aches and pains associated to temperature changes. 

Spiritual Healing Properties: 
Labradorite stimulates and strengthens one's psychic ability.  It is considered especially powerful when worn as a talisman during winter.  Labradorite helps to bring one's magical powers to the surface and will assist in connecting with higher guides and distant ancestors. It brings out a sense of adventure and keeps negative energy at bay.

Up Next: Pyrite

Clean Water Music Festival

As some of you may know, on September 27th is the 3rd Annual Clean Water Music Festival (we'll be there) at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall!  Here are some things you may or may not already know about this incredible cause:

+ 100% of the proceeds benefit Charity: Water!, an organization out of NYC that builds fresh water wells in countries without access to clean, safe drinking water.  Every September, Charity: Water chooses a country in which to focus all of their efforts.  This September, they are focusing on the Sahel region in Africa.

+ Just $20 will give one person clean, safe drinking water for 20 years!

+ Every dollar donated is MATCHED by a generous supporter!  

+  A glimpse of their struggle.  <--- PLEASE WATCH

+ Even if you can't participate in the festival, you can still donate from the comfort of your home and help make someone else's life a little more comfortable too! 

I'm excited and honored to have been invited be among the vendors this year.  I'll be donating a handsome percentage of all profits from both my booth AND online sales that entire weekend (9/26-9/28)!  So please, be generous in helping our fellow humans and donate to a great cause!

"Over the past 2 years, the Clean Water Music Fest has raised over $35,000 for charity: water! We can't wait to see how much of a 'splash' we can make with this year's event!!" -Jordyn & Shawn, Flagship Romance

U.S. Part:13 Lapis Lazuli

Stone Name: Lapis Lazuli

Birthstone Month/Zodiac Association: 

The traditional birthstone of December (Note that the official birthstone list adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912 denotes Turquoise and blue Topaz as the official birthstones.) It is also the Planetary stone for Capricorn and the birthstone for Libra.

Affected Chakra: 

The Third Eye Chakra

History of Use:

This precious stone is widely renowned for considerably deep and intense color, a radiant blue coloration that’s made it famous for hundreds of years.  Lapis is considered a rock, not a mineral because it contains mostly lazurite, calcite, sodalite and pyrite (fool's gold).  Lapis is considered one of the most valuable semi-opaque stones.  Traditionally, lapis may be given as a gem on the 7th and 9th wedding anniversary.
It’s been a common discovery at various burial sights in northern Afghanistan, the Caucasus, Mehrgarth, and even Egypt; one of its more prominent uses was actually on the eyebrows of King Tutankhamun’s burial mask. The Egyptians open carved it into vases and figurines.  Eventually it was transported to Europe and made into gunpowder at the end of Middle Ages; occasionally it was also transformed into ultramarine, something renowned as the most valuable out of all blue pigments.  The top quality lapis lazuli comes from Afghanistan where it has been mined for over 6000 years, but lapis is also found in Siberia, Chile, the U.S., Pakistan, and Canada.

Spiritual Properties:

Lapis Lazuli has been recognized for its ability to create a much more powerful sense of self-awareness, and with it, a heightened ability to connect with others. For those who have been weighted down by inner pain and stress, Lapis Lazuli can awaken the kind of understanding within needed to more fully analyze and defeat repressed anger. Communication, awareness and balance are enhanced due to how Lapis Lazuli energizes the Third Eye and Throat Chakra.

Physical Healing Properties: 

In addition to the spiritual enhancements, Lapis Lazuli is also highly effective in promoting the strength of the vocal cords and larynx. If you suffer from a weak center of gravity or high blood pressure, Lapis Lazuli can both improve your circulation and vastly improve your cardiac rhythm as well. Women who are suffering through menstrual pain may also be delighted to find that this stone is highly helpful for lessening the tension of cramps.

Up Next: Labradorite